ELT Podcast

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ELT Podcast - The Teachers' Lounge

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Student Expectations in EFL Classrooms

Bill Pellowe, Kevin Ryan, Robert Chartrand

Podcast Notes

This is the sixth episode of ELT Podcast - The Teachers' Lounge.

Today's panel is:

  • Bill Pellowe, Kinki University Kyushu School of Engineering, and ELT Calendar.
  • Robert Chartrand, Kurume University.
  • Kevin Ryan, Showa Women's University, the University of Tokyo and kevinryan.com.
In this episode, we discuss student expectations. What do students expect our classes to be like? What do they expect to get out of the classes? How are their expectations sometimes at odds with our own expecations of how the class should go?

mp3 file
size: 8.92 MB
time: 18:34
Feb 4, 2007

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